The Biodome Project

The Biodome Project is a diary-based solo RPG that takes place in the Final Outpost world. The diary follows the observations of an outpost scientist who releases creatures into their biodome. The solo RPG elements were created by me and may be expanded in the future! If you want to use the ruleset or edit them for yourself, go for it!


What You Need
You need a Final Outpost account, 4-sided dice, and some method of writing things down!


Calculating Points
Go to the creature's profile and look at its happiness, hardiness, and appearance stats. Divide each one by 50 and always round up to the nearest whole number (which 1 being the absolute minimum). These are the creature's points. Example:

112 Happiness → 3 Happiness pts
50 Hardiness → 1 Hardiness pts
52 Appearance → 2 Appearance pts


Making Checks
You will always use a 4-sided die (d4) for rolls. When you're prompted to make a Hardiness/Happiness/Appearance check, you will have to roll the same amount of dice equal to the amount of pts the creature has in that stat.

You have to make a Happiness check to see if the creature recovers from illness. The creature has 3 Happiness pts so you will roll three 4-sided die (3d4). If any of them land on a 4, you succeed. If not, you fail.


Injured: Set the creature's Appearance & Hardiness pts to 1
Sick: Set the creature's Appearance & Hardiness pts to 1
Hungry: Set the creature's Happiness pts to 1
Exposed: Prey species can be automatically hunted; Predator species will automatically fail at hunting


Daily Actions
Each day, you will go through the following steps and write down your observations.

  1. Old illness will spread.
  2. New illness will form.
  3. All creatures search for food.
  4. All corpses decompose.
  5. Some creatures seek out mates.
  6. Some creatures die of natural causes.
  7. All creatures hide and rest.

#1. Old illness will spread.

  1. Skip this step is no creatures are Sick.
  2. Randomly target 1 Sick creature.
  3. Randomly target 1 creature that is the same species as the sick one.
  4. If it is already Sick, it automatically dies.
  5. If not, make a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature is fine. Otherwise, they become Sick.


#2. New illness will form.

  1. Randomly target 1 creature.
  2. If it is already Sick, it automatically dies.
  3. If not, make a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature is fine. Otherwise, they become Sick.


#3. All creatures search for food

Prey Species:
Prey will always search for food first. Each creature will pick one of the methods below, never both.

Regular search:
  1. Make a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature finds food! If not, it becomes Hungry.

Risky search:
  1. The creature finds food but is also now Exposed.

Predator Species:
If a predator is Exposed, it cannot hunt but can scavenge. If a prey is Exposed, the predator can skip searching and start hunting that creature. Otherwise, it will pick one of the methods below, never both.

Regular search:
  1. Make a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature finds prey to hunt! If not, it becomes Hungry.
  2. Target 1 prey species and proceed to hunt OR...
  3. Target 1 corpse to scavenge off of and skip hunting.

Risky search:
  1. Target 1 prey species and proceed to hunt OR...
  2. Target 1 corpse to scavenge off of and skip hunting.
  3. Afterwards, regardless if it's a successful hunt or not, the predator becomes Exposed.

If prey is found, the predator will hunt:
  1. Make a Hardiness check for both the predator and the prey. Look to see which rolled the most 4s.
  2. If predator has the most, it has successfully caught & eaten the prey.
  3. If prey has the the most, there are no 4s, or it's a tie, the prey has escaped but is now Injured. The predator becomes Hungry.


#4. All corpses decompose.
Any dead creatures will be removed from the Biodome. They can no longer be scavenged by predators.


#5. Some creatures seek out mates.
Only creatures that are healthy & fed will seek out mates.

  1. Look to see if any potential mates for this creature are Exposed. If there are, you can automatically target them. If not, do the next step.
  2. Make a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature finds a potential mate! If not, the creature has failed.
  3. Randomly target 1 creature of the same species of the opposite sex.
  4. Make an Appearance check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature successfully woos its potential mate. If not, the creature has failed.
  5. Breed the two creatures together and proceed to the next section.


#6. Some creatures die of natural causes.
Only creatures who have just attempted to breed will do these steps. Otherwise, skip this section.

  1. For each creature that just bred, regardless if it was successful or not, make a Happiness check.
  2. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature lives. Otherwise, it dies of natural causes.


#7. All creatures hide and rest.

  1. For each creature that is Exposed, make a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature is no longer Exposed. Otherwise, it stays Exposed for now.
  2. For each creature that is Sick or Injured, you will make two checks.
  3. First, a Happiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature lives and you can do the next check. Otherwise, it dies.
  4. Next, a Hardiness check. If you roll a 4 at any time, the creature has fully recovered. Otherwise, it stays Sick/Injured for now.
  5. (Note: You must do this twice if a creature is both Sick and Injured.)